How to accept international patients at Kermanshah Noor Surgery Center
Acceptance of International Patients or IPD is done in a number of ways:
A: The patient identifies the surgical center through the center's website or his relatives and, after calling the IPD reception expert, contacts the cause of his appointment. the expert wants the patient to send a medical record to the light surgery center and refer to the specialist physician before hand; then, the patient will be assigned a relevant appointment based on the flight date and the duration of the individual's stay and appointment with the physician.
The patient will be contacted by a specialist in the IPD department after referral to the center, and the interpreter will accompany him at all stages of the patient's work - including examination, clinical services, surgery and post-operative follow-up.
B: The patient communicates with the expert of the hospital's IPD department via e-mail with the reference to the center's website or in the contact section, the relevant expert will examine the patient's documents or his biography for the patient according to Clinical conditions determine the appointment of a referral physician. After attending the center with the full support of the expert and the director of the IPD department, the patient uses the services of the health center.
A: The patient is referred to the Kermanshah Special Noor surgery Center with guidance from his relatives, friends and relatives, and at the same time he receives the telephone number of the center directly with the expert of the International Patients' Department , and the following steps are followed by the expert.
D: The patient has already identified the center and, without contacting the previous phone call, visits the center in person and receives the service center after getting in touch with the international patients department.
If the patient needs refractive errors, he / she will pay the exam upon acceptance.
The first step is to receive optometric and paraclinical imaging services. At this stage, the patient goes to the physician's room along with the center's interpreter and goes to the LISAK unit after receiving the action plan to pay for LASIK and pay for the surgery. "Due to the timing of the patient, the patient is accompanied during and after the LASIK operation, as well as visits to the pharmacy and receiving medications. The Center interpreter is at all stages and reminds the patient of the time of the fallopians. This process will continue until the end of the treatment process. "
If the patient needs a cataract or any intraocular operation, he / she will be taken to the clinic after checking in with the interpreter and will pay for the test, and if the patient has surgery, such as plastic surgery or throat surgery, orthopedic surgery, general surgery and hair transplantation Guided by expert center.
The first step is to receive optometric and paraclinical imaging services. At this stage, the patient goes to the physician's room along with the center's interpreter and goes to the LISAK unit after receiving the action plan to pay for LASIK and pay for the surgery. At the same time, for the day, the patient's service will be coordinated.
The patient then goes for blood tests, heart counseling, and payment for the operation. The translator transmits to the patient on the day of practice until discharge and taking the medications and he carries out the pharmacological orders and recommendations of the post-operative physician; he will continue the financial follow up of the patient who may have to pay extra money or pay extra charges.